Ok let me start the thread on exocrisim and real life exocrisim cases
Disclaimer iam not saying it's there or not but I just wanted to give more details on it 😊😍🙌 ..
1. Exorcism  is the religious or spiritual practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person, or an area, that is believed to be possessed.
2.Requested and performed exorcism began to decline in the United States by the 18th century and occurred rarely until the latter half of the 20th century when the public saw a sharp rise due to the media attention exorcisms were getting.
3.There was "a 50% increase in the number of exorcisms performed between the early 1960s and the mid-1970s".
4.Exorcism is the practice of casting out or getting rid of demons. In Christian practice the person performing the exorcism, known as an exorcist, is often a member of the Christian Church, or an individual thought to be graced with special powers or skills.
5. The exorcist may use prayers and religious material, such as set formulas, gestures, symbols, icons, amulets, etc. The exorcist often invokes God, Jesus or several different angels and archangels to intervene with the exorcism.
6. Protestant Christian exorcists most commonly believe the authority given to them by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the Trinity) is the source of their ability to cast out demons.
7. In general, people considered to be possessed are not regarded as evil in themselves, nor wholly responsible for their actions, because possession is considered to be unwilling manipulation by a demon resulting in harm to self or others.
8. Practitioners regard exorcism as more of a cure than a punishment. The mainstream rituals usually take this into account, making sure that there is no violence to the possessed, only that they be tied down if there is potential for violence.
9. In Catholicism, exorcisms are performed in the name of Jesus Christ.A distinction is made between a formal exorcism, which can only be conducted by a priest during a baptism or with the permission of a bishop, and "prayers of deliverance" which can be said by anyone.
10. In the late 1940s, in the United States, priests of the Roman Catholic Church performed a series of exorcisms on an anonymous boy, documented under the pseudonym "Roland Doe" or "Robbie Mannheim". The 14-year-old boy (born circa 1935), was the alleged victim of demonic
11 Events were recorded by the attending priest, Raymond J. Bishop. Subsequent supernatural claims surrounding the events were used as elements in William Peter Blatty's novel The Exorcist in 1971
12. In1778, English tailor George Lukins was behaving oddly—speaking in strange voices, making inhuman noises, and singing hymns backward. In a ceremony held in Bristol's Temple Church, seven priests commanded the demons who'd apparently taken over
13.When the ceremony was over, Lukins recited the Lord's Prayer and thanked the priests. This was one of the few recorded exorcisms with a happy ending
14 In1842, German villagers noticed strange goings-on at the home of a 28-year-old woman named Gottleibin Dittus. Dittus claimed her house was haunted and soon began slipping in and out of what others described as "trance-like" states
15. when a religious pastor commenced an exorcism that things went truly nuts: Dittus became violent, requiring physical restraints. For two torturous years during which the pastor performed various exorcism rights, Dittus vomited glass, nails—and blood, of course.
16 Finally, Dittus informed everyone the demons were gone and stated that "Jesus is victor."
17. 16-year-old from South Africa, Clara Cele, was heard making a pact with the devil and soon began behaving erratically, tearing at her clothes, growling, speaking in tongues, and demonstrating super-human strength. In 1906 and 1907.
18 Two priests performed exorcisms on Clara, during which her skin "burned" when touched by holy water and her body levitated before 170 witnesses. But after a "noxious smell" was observed leaving her body, Clara was deemed free of evil
19. Here comes the end of this thread on exorcisim I hope everyone liked this thread keep on supporting me thank u đŸ˜â€ïž
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