i worked at Targ*t when i started transitioning. at one point i had a disagreement with an assets protection team lead because he wouldn’t call me my preferred name. a few weeks later, i was notified that an assets protection investigation was opened against me. [1]
i was told that i had “caused losses to the company” and was being terminated. when i asked for proof of the allegations made against me, i was told that if i wanted to see proof that i would be able to do so in a criminal courtroom. [2]
if i signed admitted my guilt, signed a promissory note agreeing to pay back said “losses,” and left immediately without making a scene, they would not pursue charges. [3]
the asset protection officers (who were brought in from an outside store so as to make this appear impartial) also insinuated that my failure to comply would result in “problems” for my then-partner (who worked in the electronics department at my same location). [4]
rather than risk my partner’s job as well as potential criminal charges from such a large entity i knew i would have a hard time fighting, i signed the promissory and left. i was not allowed to collect unemployment as my official reason for termination was “theft.” [5]
although my partner at the time was able to retain their job, we could not make ends meet on a single person’s hourly Targ*t wages (even with the electronics team differential wage raise). we lost our apartment. [6]
the point of the story is this:

fuck Targ*t, but ESPECIALLY fuck the one in Minneapolis. take what you need. burn the rest down. [7/7]
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