This is a thread of gofundme’s made by black people who really need the money and if you have the funds I would implore you, PLEASE DONATE
This is a tennis coach who suffered a MCA Stroke during the beginning of Quarantine. He has touched thousands and the money would greatly benefit him for paying off medical bills, physical therapy, and other things of that nature
African-Americans are being diagnosed and dying from COVID-19 at a disproportionately higher rate than other groups. That led to the creation of the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium which aims to raise funds to get testing for African-Americans 
Jessica Mahone is a single mother who has touched the lives of many people. Unfortunately she and her 8 year old son were struck by a drunk driver. Thankfully her son did not sustain any injuries but Jessica sustained very serious ones.
these are just 10 of the many, many, extremely worthy causes that deserve donations. And please if you are African-American reply with the link to your gofundme and I will rt it. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this thread and please stay safe everyone
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