If you’re 15 or younger and dealing participating in this on twitter tonight, I’m proud of you. This is tough, scary shit, and you’re learning about the worst evils in the world, and learning to handle them maturely and responsibly. When I was 15, I knew these evils existed...
...but I never thought it was my responsibility to do anything about it. I didn’t fully understand, and wasn’t fully educated, and I thought that was an excuse to be young and avoid participating in the conversation. But the younger you learn and get involved, the more...
...these lessons stick, the more it matters to you one day in the future when you have kids of your own. The world gave you a horrible hand of cards, but you are the ones to whom it matters most, the ones who will make the biggest difference in the long run. And so...
...I’m so proud of you, for picking up a burden I did not at your age. If you ever need someone to talk to or have any questions, let me know and I’ll do my best to help. ❤️
You can follow @2ghoststooyoung.
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