racism, that one word can do so much. that one word triggers the mind of how still to this day people aren’t treated equally. there is always something or someone that targets people of color. there are numerous amounts of cases but not a lot are heard.
we live in a world where we all have our different beliefs and perspectives. but, does that make us different from each other? does that mean we disrespect people who aren’t of the same religion or race as us?
no, absolutely not, it is completely wrong but some people can’t seem to comprehend that as they think that people of color aren’t like them. you see we all may be different but it comes down to this, we are all people, and we are all the same whether we like it or not.
people have to start learning to accept that and just live with it. you see there is this thing called intersectionality and it’s a social/economical inequality caused by race, gender, class, and sexuality. this is something i picked up on in a class in which i take called
women’s studies. we were learning the different types of feminism and we had to choose which one to do a project on and my mind was already registered knowing that i wanted to do intersectional feminism. you see i love intersectional feminism and the way they challenge
gender stereotypes and shift women’s perceptions about leadership. they support people of all kinds and make sure they are treated equally. you see i was taught to respect everyone no matter what race, sexuality, class or gender they are, and especially to treat them equally.
i personally love and accept everyone and that is something i have a strong belief in. you may be wondering why in the world im bringing intersectionality up, well i will be explaining that just now. you see people set so many expectations based on a persons race and that all
must stop. people of color are disrespected and get treated brutally compared to the whites. is it fair? no absolutely not. now going back to intersectionality, so people say they are feminists right but if you truly are going to be a feminist then you should support all.
because if you don’t support all, then what’s the point of it. it’s not really being a true feminist as feminism without intersectionality is just white supremacy. people of color are underestimated because of expectations that were set based on what they are capable of
regarding their race. people set high expectations for white women but when it came to people of color they set low expectations. we must stop all the inequality and help build up equality in this world. we must break down the expectations and reveal that we are all the same and
therefore shall be treated the same. people of color take a majority of society and are becoming very public through the decades of the mistreatment towards them in comparison to others. women are also being taken advantage of the limelight and no one wants to care.
the barrier set around people of color have become really harsh. it is truly unfair treatment and no one should have to go through that. racism should be stopped, we are in the 21st century and we should respect all whatever their race, sexuality, class or even gender.
equality must be instilled and the white supremacy should come to a standstill. in the end we are all people, and we are all the same.
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