Corona virus is fast forwarding trends that have been slowly progressing but inevitable. The future is touchless. The need to physically insert cards, touch screens, will disappear (Inconvenient, inefficient & unsanitary). Remote work will be the norm vs the exception.
Life will focus less around commute, cars, and transportation and more around health and leisure. Travel will be less business focused and monotonous and more leisure based/intentional. Trends that have gotten a foot hold during the pause will continue to gain mind share.
Telehealth: why drive to a Dr office, wait for up to an hour when you can do some appointments from home. Similarly to instead of calling customer svc vs having them call you when available. Consumers are taking back their time.
The health sector as we know it will evolve more rapidly. Many realize that their health is only as good as the least common denominator of the health of those in their community. Not just the people that look like & earn the same as them, but everyone they interact w/
A viable public health system > then a private health sector. Consumers are starting to see through the illusion of "choice" provided by insurance and question the value those companies add if any. People are tired of the risk of being bankrupted by medical emergency...
Charged for insurance 1000s /month only to have to pay more at checkout in a system that incentivizess profit over outcomes. Medical system is the only 1 where no one can tell you what anything costs upfront & requires signing up for unlimited financial liability before care
Education as we know and understand it has changed forever at the late stages. College and highschool will never be the same in the US. While the benefit of in person instruction and interaction can't be denied, the cost benefit for most is way out of proportion & has been...
for a decade. Many people are over going into debt for degrees that don't necessarily have a clear path to a career. Entire industries around getting buried alive while others are rising up like fault block mountains. The move out of cities will continue we are social by ...
nature. The reason for colocation will change from work based to interest based. The human need to explore, question, understand and explain will bubble up again in the US and EU. We'll look back on the past block of time as our dark ages.
The answer "because that's the way we've always done it". Won't be good enough. Even the smallest inefficiencies. Why do I need a sticker on my license plate? Registration is kept in a database. The police have access to it in their car. Who is the sticker for? I don't need it
The systems of government will slowly be tuned away from the demand of lobbyists and corps and instead to perform the only task they were setup to do. Help the common person. Every government system you interact with feel like punishment right now. User experience is brutal.
Instead it will be design to have the default case be the easiest. So many systems here are insane and simply don't benefit the people they are supposed to help. Instead they make it significantly harder then it has to be.
In other countries, they send you a tax form that is already completed and you only need to do something if you feel like it's wrong, or if you somehow have some information they don't. Paying taxes is easy for most people and not this strange game of "gotcha".
They tell and show you all the information they have and exactly what you owe. And they've already collected it from your pay. Here in the US every person has to basically guess what they owe in taxes and if you guess wrong it becomes a huge problem...
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