Question: Will newspapers hold Govt & Railways accountable for migrants' deaths on their front-pages?

Express: a stand-alone photo with a caption about 6 deaths.
Hindustan Times: a tiny column/paragraph under the fold.
Times of India: a tiny 1.5 column story under the fold.
Dainik Bhaskar: the image speaks for itself.
Is writing and reporting on migrants' death enough? Are stats and numbers enough? Do we need to tell stories about trauma and agony?

All of these are important journalistic practices. But none of these are adequate if newsrooms fail to hold the state machinery accountable. +
Newsrooms must distinguish dehumanisation of migrants & poverty/trauma porn from reportage that conveys the horrifying helplessness of migrants stuck on trains. Newsrooms must investigate & report govt's apathy, colossal failure of state machinery & hold the powerful to account.
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