I just found something shocking.
Did you know very commonly prescribed drugs are affecting people's ability to survive infections?
Look at this!!!
Has anyone checked this in these covid patients? Many people take these.
Statin drugs taken to lower cholesterol
Look at this about hand sanitizer. It defats your skin and moves ingredients through the barrier
This is what I am really wondering. Why are doctors telling so many people they are #immunocomprimised? Hiding indoors and not being exposed to natural stressors makes people sick.
Small exposures repeatedly to bacteria and irritants will build resistance.
People with C-Dif benefit from taking capsules with the bacteria from healthy people in them. Some people with terrible allergies benefit from worm egg capsules. Bacteria and viruses are part of of our bodies. We need to work with them, not against them.
I drink unfiltered well water straight from the earth, and I have travelled to Mexico and Cuba 5 times and never gotten sick from brushing my teeth or eating ice. My sister treats her well water with a disinfection system. She became very ill the second day into a 7 day trip.
I stopped taking antidepressants 2 years ago, I feel much better now, did not have any of those terrible respiratory bugs for the last two winters. Is this why? Also was taking Proton pump inhibitors which I got rid of.
Why are doctors handing these out like candy?
When my kids were babies, I read that book about what to feed your babies.
It said, no eggs, no peanut butter, no honey. Guess what I did? I fed them all that stuff.
That's how you get used to it. Turns out I was right.
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