I completely understand that racism is wrong. Most people in the world realize this. However what I do not understand is the constant need to highlight and just go on about racist actions that are completely absurd. Why you need to highlight something that everyone will see as
morally wrong makes me feel as though you are beating a dead horse. If you are trying to set a path for the future of anti-racism I don’t see it. You are simply enraging those who already view your actions of exposing racist actions. This is not going to make those have an
epiphany and just say you know all these years of seeing the same narrative right now I’ll change my opinion. It does not bring those closer however separate society more. If you are asking for my solution, I honestly could not give you an answer. You will never stop racism by
Highlighting it. While you will make it more socially unacceptable people will continue to be racist outside of the public eye. However at the same time if you do not let it be known of awful actions that are/were taken place there may not be any repercussions for those at hand.
There is no perfect solution. You could say stop racism all together, however when you stop one you keep going and going, I don’t think there will ever be those, at least in America who are satisfied with limiting racism, this being said that racism is pushed to a minimum.
However in general people as a whole should not see differences of humans by race. That is a general statement that most everyone would agree with and solve nothing. However there has to be leniency among those who feel oppressed. You cannot be so offended to let it take over
Your life. You should not focus your life’s goals around oppression currently. The obvious exceptions being previous civil rights leaders such as mlk etc. There is not nearly the loss of life that was experienced. There is not nearly the intolerable oppression being expressed.
All in all both sides have to find a middle ground per say. Racism should not be engaged, however if it is engaged your reaction should dictate how someone views their action. If you tweet about it and moan this will simply piss the racist off. However if you perhaps say look
I really don’t appreciate the racist joke, could you please not say it again, most racists would be baffled by the poise being possessed. Now I know all of this thread probably won’t get seen, and I try to stay as anonymous as possible because I fear that my everyday life could
Take a hit, which is sad. I apologize for the weird, confusing grammar, and I thank everyone for their respectful, or even disrespectful opinions. I try to pride myself on not being offended by words, or stuff that can’t physically harm me. Peace and love ❤️
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