Completely on brand. No editorial decision in this case is an editorial decision. @Facebook cannot have it both ways -- their brand of "free speech," quietly guided and shaped by algorithms that we cannot see nor opt out of, is no free speech at all.
It is so disingenuous to say it shouldn't fall on Facebook to protect democracy. It falls on Facebook to not ACTIVELY DESTROY democracy by deliberately shitting up discourse on all levels -- splitting families all the way up to international alliances.
It falls on Twitter to not ACTIVELY ALLOW corrosion of the democratic process by allowing a megaphone to extremely influential liars and disinformation purveyors whose words are literally causing deaths and preventing justice.
This is the responsibility tech has always had to the world and that is why it cannot be developed by just anybody. You need ethicists, historians, journalists, sociologists, and psychologists. You need the "soft" sciences. You need compassion. Otherwise we get this, or worse.
Otherwise you get eugenicists.
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