sitting here with a knot in my stomach, more terrified than i’ve ever been. im so afraid and so angry. when the hashtags die down & everyone goes back to normal, it’s so likely that george floyd will never get justice. just like mike, just like tamir, just like sandra, phillando
when the links petitions go away, when the articles stop circulating, the genuine fear i feel won’t go away. the sinking weight that it could be me, my siblings next... this isnt just an occasional thing, it’s real life for us
when we talk about white privilege, this is what we mean. you will never know the fear that comes attached to having black skin, never know how terrifyingly real it is to almost see yourself in the faces of people that have been murdered
you’ll never have your white skin weaponized against you, and that’s what truly hurts the most. it hurts because i love being black and im so proud to be black, but fuck i am so scared of it at the same time.
white privilege means you will never have to sit with your family and discuss what to do if you get stopped by the police. to be told, even as a minor, to always make sure your hands can be seen so they don’t think you’re reaching for a weapon
white privilege is the deepest fear for your black brother, who has never done a thing wrong a day in his life, but knowing how little value the life of the black man has in the eyes of law enforcement. it’s fucking horrifying
white privilege is being able to interact with law enforcement without fear. i am 22 years old, have never been convicted of a crime, never been arrested; i have no real reason to be afraid and yet, i can’t tell you a time in my life where i wasn’t afraid of the police
what you might tweet about for a couple of days is something so many of us have lived with our entire lives, and will continue to live with as black people. when the trends go away and the petitions stop, remember that our lives do not. please continue to fight for us. please.
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