When we have these conversations surrounding white supremacy and everything it entails, I think it’s v important to remind ourselves that we need to dismantle it in *every* community. And I know this may seem obvious to some of you, but it’s not.
Anti blackness is rampant everywhere. For many of us, it’s the rhetoric we grow up hearing, repeating and normalizing until someone calls us out on it. So when you hear your friends and family being racist, colorist, etc. SAY SOMETHING. Our lives depend on it.
Don’t claim to be our ally when you’ll sit there in silence as some of your friends and family spew racist shit and brush it off as “oh they didn’t mean it like that.” News flash, they did.
Y’all have to get it out of your mind that racism has to be blatant and aggressive. The majority of the time, it’s the micro aggressive comments that contribute to the CONSTANT killing of unarmed Black people.
And lastly, Black people don’t have to be outstanding citizens with a clean record in order to not be murdered by cops. White people are afforded second chances all of the time but we rarely see that for us.
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