Poll thread:

Were you informed of the risks of ultrasounds during pregnancy by your care provider?
Did you do any further research on the risks of ultrasounds during pregnancy?
Do you know the frequencies of the different types of ultrasounds? (Abdominal, vaginal, Doppler, continual monitors that are used during labor)
Did you know about the termal effects of ultrasounds? The elevation of temperature that they cause?
Have you been told not to get in hot tubs during pregnancy and that high fevers are dangerous to baby? Particularly in the first and second trimester
When was your first ultrasound?
How many ultrasounds did you have during pregnancy?
Did you have one or more internal ( vaginal ) ultrasounds?
If you had more than one ultrasound, was it because there was a concern with baby or the pregnancy?
Did the knowledge gained from the ultrasound influence any decision about the pregnancy? (Ex. Termination due to a defect or condition that otherwise wouldn’t make it to term?)
You can follow @gabyvhenderson.
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