

I have not heard or read anything about the manner of force, and the physics employed to by the cop to maintain maximum down weight, physically, from head to kneecap
onto Mr. Floyds neck.

And, this makes me ill.

The entire event was too long
2// for bystanders to be just that, idle, onlookers.
Enough concerned citizens were close enough to stop the abuse.
I get that they didn't want to be arrested, or have a cop stand on their face.
But, #StrengthInNumbers
should've taken action.
Apprehended suspects need to breath. I heard a voice say "Get up & get in the car...
...what's wrong?"' Repeatedly.
To save a mans life, all means necessary to protect Mr. Floyd on that street remain idle & unused.
A squad car was an arms length of the cop. I saw him use it to adjust his bodyweight, to ensure he had maximum down force on Mr. Floyds neck.
He had already made the "lean left" adjustment while using the SUV as leverage.

The back of the
The cop should've used it as
5// to relieve pressure off Mr. Floyd.

Instead, it was a convenient way to inflict greater harm.
Adding a slight tilt of his head to his left side, he aligned his upper body weight, from sternum, chest & L-shoulder; L-arm; hip & thigh directly in line with his left kneecap.
The premeditated murder move.
I think it's clearly evident. It's subtle, not to me.
Watch this closely.⬇️

As the cop put/returned his blue gloved left hand into his left front pants pocket, he now has a brace to steady himself over his left knee, to inflict maximum damage.
You have serious racial issues in Minneapolis that can no longer be explained away.
I wrote this THREAD w/ as objectively as I could. These hate filled, US killings steal my objectivity.
The cop rocked his lower body weight from ankle to #KneeOnNeck
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