
Again. My God.

Let me add my voice to chorus of lament over this evil.

America needs what Richard Lovelace prophetically labeled “structural exorcism.”

Prayer and action, with focused consistency.

Here’s what Lovelace said: https://twitter.com/prophiphop/status/1265728648478199808
“The formula which insists that the gospel should deal with “spiritual matters” and not meddle with political or social affairs...emerged before the Civil War as a conservative evangelical defence of resistance toward or postponement of abolition.” /2
“Not only can we expect to carry on offensive warfare which takes ground away from Satan in the exorcism of persons, we can also undertake...the exorcism of structures occupied by demonic forces — not only fallen structures in the church in the process of reformation & revival /3
...but also fallen structures in society which are instruments of injustice.”

“Structural exorcism is therefore real spiritual warfare which requires more than theorising, demonstrating, legislating, making pronouncements and other conventional modes of social action.“ /4
“It may require all of these. But it also requires comprehensive spiritual renewal through the strength available in Christ. And especially it requires the exercise of prayer.” /5
“Our intercession must be extensive enough to sweep regularly across the whole scene displayed by the news media like their revolving scanner on a radar scope, discovering the presence of obstacles to the progress of the kingdom of God. /6
Then we must face these mountains as Jesus told us to and command them in prayer to move into the sea.”

(P.376-394, Dynamics of Spiritual Life)

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