now is NOT the time to say “_____ are the only cops with rights” or respond with a fictional character/characters and saying they’re an exception when someone says acab...
it's not the time for "tl cleanses", "unfollow sprees", " i have ____ followers how many will reply with ____" or "reply with ___ to keep the mutual" either...there's a difference between spreading awareness or important info vs. performative activism
many people, myself included, use stan twitter for escapism purposes or to find like-minded people with similar interests, but also not saying anything at all, even though you're a stan acc, is very telling, since everyone has a platform, no matter how large or small
so not speaking up about any social issues or deciding to stay "apolitical" or not talk about important social issues just, at least to me, reeks of privilege...if it's an issue that personally affects you and you need time away from social media, that's a different story
but if you're seeing real world issues affect real people, it's just morally right to spread awareness and do what you can to help, imo
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