hey guys! i just wanna talk about how some of you are tweeting “if you see this please reply #blacklivesmatter .” as an american black kid, i really want to tell yall (especially nonblacks) that you should stop. i know youre trying to show your support for the whole situation +
but just tweeting stuff like that can come off as extremely patronizing— like you’re only saying it to be seen as socially conscious or “woke” or something. making tweets like that wont do anything to help the situation. if you’re going to do anything, sign petitions or try to +
spread more information/statistics about the situation. however DO NOT tweet/rt the video. please. it is VERY upsetting and can create a lot of trauma, particularly for black people like me. its horrible how we have to have video proof of police violence against black people +
for people to actually pay attention to said violence.

i understand a lot of you are just trying to show support, and it really means a lot, but it’s doing nothing. we have gotten so many well wishes and prayers and NO action, and that’s what’s incredibly angering. don’t just +
show us support. show us action. thank you.

if you’d like to educate yourself on some more black issues in america, check out this thread i wrote on my main acc. its very important to me and i would appreciate if yall, especially nonblacks, checked it out: https://twitter.com/nukesinaction/status/1264406847139823621
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