i got a lot of thoughts about this regarding the so-called "libertarian to fascist pipeline" that cv already covers w the parts about american identity stuff, but also want to add that like c'mon the n-word is literally part of the everyday grammar of /k/, how do you even https://twitter.com/notcolloquial/status/1265719247516426241
imagine that the boogaloo stuff is not innately bound to anti-blackness. sure there are obvi some 'left libertarians' hanging around /k/ - i've met some irl, i know the type. but they are also hanging out in a forum where, again, *the n-word is literally part of the grammar*
also the arguments made on /k/ about a potential alliance between black people and libertarians (and sometimes WN) is also made on /pol/, it doesn't make them not anti-black!

also if you're gonna talk about gun stuff and race you gotta read/cite roxanne dunbar ortiz's loaded
like, cv already said this in different words, but there's a line btwn thinking race in terms of "racist" as an adjective assigned to actions and individuals rather than a grammar of value that works unconsciously and functions structurally to organize human activity and identity
also i'm probably gonna delete this thread tomorrow so retweeting might be awkward lol
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