(1/5) I'm a privileged white male. I understand that for people of color to gain the same privileges, it's MY demographic that needs to insist on it and take action. But HOW OFTEN DOES THIS ACTUALLY HAPPEN? When was the last time you remember seeing privileged
(2/5) white males leading a movement to secure the freedom to be safe from police brutality? To have their rights respected? To be compensated for the unfair disadvantages our institutions continue to force on them? To change the system to eliminate these biases?
(3/5) I think you don't see it because I think that while my demographic knows, in general, that we're the ones who need to act, we're unsure /HOW/ to. If I were to make a difference for my fellow POC, what do I do? Where do I start? I think the discourse needs to
(4/5) shift from "White people need to acknowledge their privilege" to "White people who want to help, here's what you can do". As silly as it may sound, I don't KNOW what I should do to help, beyond donating to causes. If any people of color could use responses to this thread as
(5/5) a place to leave advice for privileged white men such as myself on how we can best be mobilized to make a difference, I would appreciate it sincerely. Thanks in advance for any advice, and also for putting up with my lack of awareness on these matters.
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