I really wanna finish fanart today but like fuck man I'm so angry and tired. All my life I had lived with racism and internalized racism. All my life I had to hear stories and see pictures of people who looked just like me badly beaten and murdered. -
all my life I had to deal with white kids who didn't care about police violence and blamed black people for their own murders. All my life I tried to conform and at least try to be acceptable and palatable to these people even as to degrade myself just to properly fit in
All my life I hated who I was and the fact that I'll never know what it's like to be where I'm from because I was born here and only was familiar with american culture but not enough about my own still makes me feel like shit.
I'm tired of being scared and even terrified of being visibly angry because what if someone calls the cops on me? What if I become the angry black stereotype?? There's so much layers of racism and violence that we experience every single day and no amounts of -
alllivesmatter bullshit can change that. It will never fucking compare to the experience of praying to high heaven that you were born white, born as anything else. It will never compare to having to realize that your hair and skin isn't dirty/digusting.
it will never compare to hearing on fucking television "white lives matter black lives splatter" by hundreds of white men as an attempt to bring back white supremacy. I apologize for this long ass thread but PLEASE PLEASEE PLEAAAASSEEE understand my frustration.
Go sign petitions, Go donate, listen to black voices. DO WHAT YOU CAN. Because this is one of thousands of cases like what I just described in this thread. #BlackLivesMatter
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