Matt here. Tucker Carlson pulled this same tactic with me through his website The Daily Caller, which resulted in months of harassment by trolls, including a death threat to my son’s life listing the name and address of our synagogue. It is calculated harassment & he knows it.
When Carlson was visited by protestors, the media fell in line behind him, breathlessly defending him. I also denounced it.

However, not one outlet would publish a story about Carlson inspiring the very same actions. @nberlat’s article about it was turned down multiple times.
What Carlson is engaging in is terrorism. He knows full well what this @twitter employee is about to go through. He’s done it to me, to @wkamaubell & @CharlesPPierce to name a few.

It’s despicable, it’s calculated and he should be called out by others in the media for doing it.
At very least, no advertisers should be rewarding this horrendous behavior with their money.
And just in case anyone wants to see what it looks like when he engages in this, here’s what appeared under his hit job on me in @DailyCaller:
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