. @JayInslee, @GovInlslee pretends to like science & data

Lockdown not based in science, social distancing invented by 14 y.o girl https://bit.ly/2ZHkkwv 

Japan Beat Covid: No Lockdowns or Mass Testing https://bloom.bg/2XDGIUW 

Wuhan virus: dying out in UK
. @JayInslee, @GovInlslee pretends to like science & data

Nobel Laureate scientist: COVID lockdowns may have cost more lives than they saved https://bit.ly/2TLIORB 

Oxford epidemiologist, COVID lockdowns: 'We might have done better doing nothing at all' https://bit.ly/2XHOy02 
. @JayInslee, @GovInlslee pretends to like science & data

N.E Journal Medicine: outside hospitals, masks don't work https://bit.ly/3dacBuY 

NIH clinical trial: masks may increase infection risk https://bit.ly/36CodEH 

Less dangerous than flu, 70 & under https://bit.ly/3gu3RSA 
. @JayInslee, @GovInlslee pretends to like science & data

Lockdowns failed to alter course of pandemic, now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide

Year’s Worth of Suicide Attempts in 4 Weeks, CA Doctor: "End the Lockdowns ." https://bit.ly/2ZFOLmV 
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