Sigh Welcome to the Pre- Grayskull power hour 3 thread, I'm going to list the characters in He-man as of right now. Just so I don't have to waste time in the thread with having to explain some of the more obscure characters. There is a lot but I'm going to have fun.
This will also help when I talk about focus episodes. Anyway good guys then bad guys.
First Man at Arms, he's the only other person who know's Adam is He-man and also is teela's ADOPTIVE FATHER. He is voiced by Gary Chalk and he brings that Optimus Primal energy to the character, there are going to be times when you think you hear "that's just prime"
Teela is his daughter and Adam's main love interest in every iteration of He-man...well except New Adventures. She has the classic lois lane dynamic of Love's he-man hates Adam because he's weak.
Ramman who is the big dude of the group and strong as well. I'm doing this thread because he's going to get a focus epsiode and I rather focus on his character.
Man E faces, an actor with three faces, a normal dude, a robot and monster. Switches them on the fly and will get a focus episode down the line where I'm going to talk about multiple personality stuff.
Stratos and Buzz off are the flying warriors and what you should know they are were kind of expys of each other in the orginal now Buzz off is given more personality and angry. Stratos is sean connery in this version.
Mek a nek is kind of the Aquaman of he-man, he can make his neck long and it's robotic. While I find it useful he's has a complex and I will talk about him when he get's his focus episode.
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