VERIVERY as Winnie-the-Pooh characters, a necessary thread:
Dongheon as Rabbit:
- fluffy elder
- will boss with good intention
- cares lots about his friends
- is not taken seriously, then angry bc of it
Hoyoung as Kanga
- doting and motherly
- came from far away
- likes things kept clean
- keeps separate from group antics
- cares lots about the crew
- will go uwuwuwu for their son (roo/kangmin)
Minchan as Tigger
- high energy n smiley
- troublemaker/jokester
- bouncy boy
- chaotic-good
- likes having fun with his friends
- “Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo!”
- ideal type is Yook Sungjae
Gyehyeon as Winnie the Pooh
- quieter, cuddly, loveable
- soft raspy voice, absolutely adorable.
- loves his friends
- will sell you for honey
Yeonho as Owl
- talkative, opinions
- rambles
- looks good in glasses
- loves stories
- his friends admire him
Yongseung as Piglet
- shy shy shy
- but kind and gentle and BRAVE
- best smiles 🥺
- looks great all dressed up
- sticks with his friends
Kangmin as Roo
- littlest boy
- playful and energetic child
- joins the gang’s antics
- secretly the root of all issues
- “momma, momma, look at me!!”
- loved by everyone
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