People ask me why I said this fandom is toxic, this photo is why. (Swearing and profile censored for privacy)

All the sides share DNA. All the sides are Thomas anyways. Yes, it is fiction. There are murder mysteries, does that mean we shouldn’t read those? Calling people rude
names isnt helping anyone in any way. Telling people they’re disgusting isnt helpful in any way. It’s just derogatory. You don’t know what a person’s moral beliefs and cultural norms are. You don’t know their backstory. But you do know they like the series Sanders Sides
And you know that they’re human. So why not just treat them like it? This goes both ways. Those of you who don’t ship, that’s okay and valid. Block the word, block people who ship it. But there’s no reason to curse and try to intentionally call them out. It can be triggering to
them when you do so, and it’s most certainly harmful. And to those who do ship, good for you, you do you. But there’s no reason to intentionally call out those who don’t ship/those who are triggered by it (hence why I blurred the name of the one in the image) or expose them to
the content. That makes you just as bad as the people being rude to you. All in all, just be kind to others. You don’t know their norms, their culture, their experiences, their life, anything. You know they’re human, and that they deserve to be treated as such. I know I can’t
magically make this thread and end all the hate in the world and all the fighting in the fandom, but if at least a few people see it, and learn from it, that’s good enough for me. I’m not stating my stance on the ship one way or another. I don’t want to make it look like I’m
favoring/being favored by one side of the argument. Because im not. I’m just here to try and help make this fandom loving and accepting like it should be. I know I can’t speak for him on his stance on the ship, but I would say that @ThomasSanders doesn’t want his fandom fighting
and tearing eachother down over something as simple as a fictional ship for a fictional series he made about imaginary aspects of himself. He would more than likely just want acceptance and love in this fandom. There’s no use in fighting over something like this. Overall, just be
kind to everyone. Regardless of gender, race, sexuality, religion, what they ship, their favorite side, literally anything. It shouldn’t matter. Just be kind, becuase everyone is human and that should be a good enough reason. Sorry if this was really frazzled or all over the
place, I’m just sick of people being rude to eachother in this fandom, and trying to tear eachother down for pretty much no reason. And I get that this thread is centered around a certain ship, but most of the issues I have with this fandom that make it seem toxic to me could be
easily resolved if this message and this logic was applied to said issues. I love you guys, and I hope you have a great day/night 💜
Okay so I realized there were some big issues I missed in all of this, or points I wanted to make.

1. DO NOT try and seek out the original poster of the attached tweet. It was just an example I saw that I decided to use for this. That’s why things are blurred out and cut off
2. There are several reasons as to why you cannot rightly slander those who ship and those who don’t. Examples:
Don’t slander shippers because
These types of things are normal in some cultures and backgrounds.
It’s fiction. Just like murder mysteries and other frowned upon
or downright unethical topics.
People are going to have opinions. You just telling them to stop, especially rudely, isnt going to change anything.

Reasons not to slander those who don’t ship.

The person who made the attached tweet is right. People do have trauma. People have
experiences that can make them triggered by this content. If they don’t want to view it, don’t force it on them or make fun of them.
It is unethical in lots of places. It is frowned upon and illegal in most places.
These people, just like the shippers, have opinions and
feelings. It’s not okay to disregard that. As I’ve said several times in this thread, we’re all human.

3. Please don’t tag Thomas in the replies. I know I tagged him, and if he sees it and feels the need to comment on it then he can. If not, then continuing to tag him will only
be pressuring him into a situation he may not want to handle/be comfortable handling. I don’t want to put anything on him that he doesn’t want to deal with.

4. There have been several things circling around saying Joan and Thomas have both said they are uncomfortable with this
ship that’s mentioned here. If anyone has proof of these, please let me know. As of right now, there are no links given. While you can give me a screenshot of the supposed tumblr post Joan made, it’s still iffy if I’ll believe it. As we saw with the whole Prinxiety tweet thing
that circled around for a while, screenshots to promote one’s point or beliefs can be easily faked. As for the supposed live stream Thomas did where he said he was uncomfortable with it, I’d love a screen recording or a link of the clip. If you haven’t seen proof of these, or if
you were told they existed without proof, please please please don’t say these things. It’s not okay to spread rumors to try and stop people who don’t see eye to eye with you.

I think that’s all for now. I’ll add more replies to this thread if I see any other points.
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