the law enforcement system needs to be fixed. not in a few years, not eventually, now. there’s a reason why 40% of cop families experience domestic abuse. there’s a reason why a lot of cops are addicts. they have 8 weeks of training and they’re given a gun and way too much power.
it leads to situations like this, where innocent black men women and children are killed in the name of “justice” acting as a disguise for the real reason, white supremacy. america’s law enforcement was never made to protect the innocent. it was made to oppress them.
eric garner’s killers got away. trayvon martin’s killer got away. tamir rice’s killer got away. there’s so many more examples but these are what i can remember off the top of my head. we can’t let this keep happening. innocent black people are dying at the hands of the people-
-supposedly meant to protect the innocent. supporting all lives matter or defending cops is acting complicit in the murders of these people. acab and #BlackLivesMatter
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