Most of my major social justice reporting has been  - editors took chances on my work that no one else would (at the start when the ABC made me redundant).

I’m not defending Rupert Murdoch for a second. But I AM saying...please be nuanced in your views.
Every other major outlet would plagiarise my work AFTER  published it. I have never worked with such brave or kind or energetic editors.

In contrast, it was toxic inside the ABC when I worked there. There was workplace bullying and sexual harassment.
The legion of small papers News Corp is closing are where loads of young journalists cut their teeth. These are lifeblood if local communities. This is a huge blow to community and democracy. How will you know what you don’t know without all these reporters?
Sorry about the typos in this thread. I’m not sleeping well at the moment - for complicated reasons. But I hope you get my drift xx
You may not agree with Murdoch’s politics or views on many things - including climate change. But do not mistake the loss of hundreds of dedicated reporters across the nation as a good thing. Be scared about your future access to information.
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