No program, no themed liturgy, no small group, no mixer, no video, no conference, no podcast, no book, no priest's charisma—none will bring your children back to the Church like your 1) fervent prayer, and 2) openly talking with them about the faith you practice, over many years.
And if your children are too young to have yet left the Church, nothing will keep them in it like 1) regularly praying with them, daily, as a family, and 2) faithfully taking on their religious education yourself.
It's pretty simple: let your children see that the faith is the most treasured possession you and your spouse share with each other, the very same treasure you most want to share with them.
But if you feel like it's too late, that you missed your chance and failed in your obligation, or even that you did all you could and still they're estranged, it's not. Use the years you have left in even more fervent prayer, in great sacrifice and penance, to intercede for them.
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