Let me make this crystal clear I, nor any other Black person owe not one single racist a damb thing, least of all compassion. White people like this expect us to lay down in supplication while our lives are being snuffed out & get called "filthy n***s"

Fuck James & his ilk.
White people expect us to keep turning the other cheek, take the high road, be understanding, not overreact, not be offended. Well guess what. We are frigging tired. We have nothing left to give.
We're hurt.
We're angry.
We have a right to be angry.
We owe you NOTHING.
The frighing unmitigated gall it takes for others to get on their pedestals of wealth and privilege to the tell Black people we need to accept violence because it makes US look bad, never ceases to amaze and enrage me.
Screw anyone who thinks we owe an apology to racists.
People like James try to sell the broken idea that by reacting to being called racist slurs, and threatened we're in the wrong. Fuck that.
I've been called the n-word, and time it felt like I was being punched. It's violence. It's verbal abuse.
Why should we have to accept it?
James and the others like him really and truly don't care about "compassion". What they care about is Black people making them feel uncomfortable by speaking up for ourselves.
They want us to stay mum, bow our heads & walk away so their bigotry their bigotry can't be pointed out.
I don't even care if this thread puts my work as a critic in jeopardy. I'm a Black woman first and foremost.

If speaking about how Black people deserve better, means publicists black list me, so be it.

The rights and safety of my people matter more to me.
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