The latest release of the @origin_trail node mainnet client enables an powerful extension to the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph which enables a novel EPCIS ecosystem component - a decentralized EPCIS repository
2/3 Until now the @gs1 EPCIS repository has traditionally been hosted by a centralised system, usually governed by a single organisation responsible for storing, linking and aggregating all the supply chain event data (the what, when, where, why of events)
3/3 using the @origin_trail DKG, the repository component is decentralised, highly extensible due to the multi-modal nature of the graph supported by the data layer (built on @arangodb), enabling SSI compatible access control permissions utilising DIDs on graph level
The EPCIS Query mechanism supported by the Trail feature enables full history searching across the whole network for any supply chain object through both public and permissioned data in the DKG with one command. Looking forward to seeing it in action soon! (4/3 :)
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