anyway if u think the uk isnt racist i'd just like to let u know that i (a white person) got beat up by other white people for telling them to not say the n word
the thought of this terrifies me cos i grew up in a white area and i never saw/heard abt any of this shit (i didnt even know the n word was racist until i was about 14 and i only learnt bc of social media)
the fact that this still happens is so fucking frustrating because idk what else i can do other than stand up for people when they're there and when they're not there. and im trying but everyone needs to try bc this is never gonna go away
theres always gonna be racist pieces of shit and if we can educate them (fat chance of that happening) and stand up to them as white people too then maybe we can see a change. but if white ppl continue to do nothing this is gonna be an issue for a very long time
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