Actual Trump statements during this pandemic:

"Other countries tried to use the herd mentality."
“I think also in looking at the way that the contagion is so contagious, nobody’s ever seen anything like this where large groups of people all of a sudden have it just by being in the presence of somebody who has it. The flu has never been like that.”
“Katie, she tested very good for a long period of time and then all of the sudden today she tested positive. This is why the whole concept of tests aren’t necessarily great.”
Trump’s misstatements, of course, began long before the coronavirus outbreak.
He has repeatedly claimed his father was born in Germany, when in fact it was his paternal grandfather. He called the CEO of Apple “Tim Apple” during a White House meeting, rather than Tim Cook, and then spent days claiming he had not made a mistake but was just using shorthand.
Another time, he appeared unable to say the word “origins” correctly, continually pronouncing it “oranges.” He has claimed that wind turbines cause cancer and that the F-35 fighter plane is literally invisible, when in fact it is merely difficult to see on radar.
Bonus Content from George Conway:

“I wouldn’t call it a tactic. He lies and projects because that’s what narcissistic psychopaths do. Fish swim, dogs bark, and Trump lies and projects.”
Ted Cruz in 2016:

“Whatever he does, he accuses everyone else of doing... This man is a pathological liar, he doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies.... In a pattern that is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everyone else of lying.”
David Axelrod points out the obvious problems for Trump to be trying to paid Biden as senile:

“It also may be hard for a president who touts disinfectant as a COVID-19 treatment and regularly says bizarre things to hold himself up as the portrait of coherence.”
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