Since I answered a lot more questions from the New York Times reporter than she was able to use in the story, I think you all would like to see the full Q&A: (1/17)
* Is delivery safer than takeout, or vice versa? (2/17)
It's important to realize that the virus is spread primarily by person-to-person contact with symptomatic or asymptomatic individuals. There's very little evidence of transmission by surfaces. (3/17)
There's no evidence that the virus is transmitted by food. Therefore the safest choice is going to be the one that avoids contact with the most people. (4/17)
Since I am able to drive to my local restaurants to pick up takeout, that's what I generally choose. It has the benefit of getting me food quicker and hotter. (5/17)
If I had to navigate busy sidewalks or use mass transit to get my takeout, my risk calculation would change, and I'd think more about using delivery. (6/17)
* Is there a way diners should prep their area? (7/17)
If you have ventured out for takeout, the first thing I would recommend is washing your hands or using hand sanitizer after arriving back home. (8/17)
Then I would recommend removing food from the containers, and placing them on the plate. It's always a good idea to wash your hands before eating any meal, so if you'd like wash your hands again. (9/17)
The same basic ideas apply with delivery. After receiving the delivery (hopefully practicing appropriate social distancing with the delivery person, and hopefully also using some sort of app-based touch free payment system)... (10/17)
I would follow the same practices. Remove the food from its containers, place it on plates, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, and then enjoy! (11/17)
* Is cooked food a safer bet than something raw, like sushi?
Since we know of no evidence that the virus is transmitted by food, your chances of getting sick from sushi are the same as before COVID-19. (13/17)
Of course there are food safety risks with sushi (Salmonella, Vibrio, etc.) but no significant COVID-19 risk as far as we know. (14/17)
* Should diners use the utensils that come with the order, or their own?
Just as we don't have evidence COVID-19 transmission from food, we also have no evidence of transmission from utensils. My personal preference is to eat off of my own plates using my own silverware. (16/17)
So as to not waste utensils, my practices was to save mine for days when I would go into the office and I bring my own lunch. I suspect these days are far in the future right now. (17/17)
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