This thread is for white people so please keep scrolling if that may not apply.
As a white person, please let me be the first to tell you that re: racism white people are the problem.

It is not a black person’s fault for:
-Recording an encounter
-Not giving a stranger personal details
-Not complying with unlawful requests
Certain comments on the recent videos I’ve read on Amy Cooper and Tom Austin’s viral videos reinforce the need to remind white people that we are not a victims of racism towards black people in literally any capacity. AND YET....
White people are entitled enough to think that we can tell black people how they should feel about they way we treat them. We tell them to accept racism and just comply with what we say.
Seriously, fellow whites, WHAT THE F-CK?
Oh, and this isn’t the thread for all the uncle dads out there in some trailer park. We know you’re racist and you know it too. You’re a twat. Still privileged by your whiteness.
This thread is for the white people that don’t think they’re racist. Would never omg! (But you are.)
If the topic is racism and you won’t shut the f-ck up about your POV, you’re being racist.
Your job, right now, as a white person, who undoubtedly knows they have privilege that people of color do not, RIGHT NOW your job is to shut the shut the f-ck up.
And after you’ve quit trying to explain something you yourself have never experienced being white, you can start to listen.
Listen to the voices of black people. Listen to how your actions have been problematic. Try to justify the imbalance that you’ve been completely oblivious to.
Then ask, “how can I help,” and show the hell up.
And if you’ve been PRIVILEGED enough to be encourage, educated and inspired by a strong black voice on Twitter, tag them here so we may all so we may all benefit by their wisdom.
You can follow @deputyjess.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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