➶➶➶➶➶ Why Saya might be Aramun Haesulla A THREAD ➷➷➷➷➷
Ok guys hear me out! So I used to be convinced that no matter what else Eunseom was, he for sure was Aramun bc he rode Kanmoreu. But after discussing it with many other people, I’m getting more and more convinced that theres a strong posibility Saya is in fact Aramun. Here’s why:
1. Like I said above, most of us were lead to believe Esm is Aramun bc he rode Kanmoreu. But someone pointed out to me that if you go back to the first episode, Kanmoreu wouldn’t even help Eunseom and let him ride him until Tanya arrived and gave him a name #ArthdalChronicles
And so the only reason Kan could be helping him is bc Asa Sin (Tanya) instructed him to and not bc he is Ara. After all Asa sin is said to be linked and be able to communicate with the spirits, and she is the one who sent Ara so it would make sense that Kan wld obey her as well
So then if Eunseom is not really Aramun who cld it be? Tagon? (I personally don’t think so and it will make sense in this thread why) So that’s where Saya enters
2.If we follow the theory that Tanya is Asa sin and Esm is really Inaishingi wldn’t it make sense that Saya is then Aramun?That each “object” in the prophecy cld be the 2nd coming of those 3 Gods whose history is still unclear but is definitely linked together #ArthdalChronicles
Unless there is another God we are still not aware of that has a big part to play in the history of Arthdal, it is more logical to me that Saya is Aramun and not Tagon.
Furthermore it hasn’t been revealed yet if Tagon is in fact part of this prophecy and I’m more convinced now that it’s in fact Taealha that is destined to fight them(Go see that theory on my profile if ur interested)
3. Saya’s personality is more similar to Aramun than Eunseom’s is. #ArthdalChronicles
When I started Arthdal I thought Aramun was this hero who saved Arthdal and ruled justly and that he came back in another form to make things right again. But as the show progressed, I realized that he wasn’t as good and compassionate as everyone in Arthdal made it seem.
- Waged war on the ago tribe and others to force them to join the union
- Probably the reason behind the destruction of Remus: the kingdom the Hae tribe came from and swore to revenge. (I’ll explain why I think so later on the thread)
- Threatened Asa Hon and killed both her and Ragaz (for reasons that are still unexplained)

- And probably did more that I might have forgotten and that haven’t been revealed yet
Keeping that in mind, it has been shown that Saya is some kind of mastermind and military genius having read and memorize many military books multiple times since he had nothing else to do.
And like Aramun also, he would have no problem waging war and killing innocents for his own ambitions. And I think that side of him will be more explored in the coming season as he is the who will lead the war against Esm and the Ago tribe. Which leads to #4
4. Inaishingi was Aramun’s greatest enemy (or so they say). And similarly, Esm will be Saya’s greatest enemy since they will both be the leaders of the 2 opposite sides in the coming war and are bound to fight like those two Gods did in ancient history. #ArthdalChronicles
5. Aramun is said to have 2 voices. It could be because he was an Igutu but what if it also had to do with his personality? #ArthdalChronicles
Saya has this sort of split personality where he can be both innocent and caring (towards Tanya anyway) or cruel and apathetic. And people in Arth do seem to genuinely love Aramun but he also did some cruel things so I believe that Aramun could have been the same.
Aramun also always carried with him a hammer and lonicera flowers. He sent both to the Ago tribe the hammer representing war and the flowers peace. So these two object could symbolize his two personalities
6. If ppl are right that Saya was the one found on the shoreby Karika in the Animated clip, then the fact that he was carrying a shield with the same engraving of fingers Aramun carved in Arthdal could be a hint #ArthdalChronicles
So I was rewatching it for the 34th time and I realized that it was in fact Aramun that engraved the fingers in Arth that the Hae Tribe has been searching for. Which lead me to believe that Aramun was responsible or at least related to the destruction of the Hae tribe‘s home.
And if I am right that Taealha is in fact the one foretold to fight the 3 objects wldnt it make a full circle that the one she is fated to fight is also related to the mission and revenge the Hae tribe has been trying to execute for decades?
Anyway what do you guys think?I feel like theres so many factors abt the prophecy that are missing to have the whole picture and theres so many possibilities for the meaning. Plus I feel like AsaSin,Inai and Ara have a shared history that once revealed will make everything clear
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