Last year I did a running thread on Avatar and I wanted some distance before I jumped into Korra. Now seems like as good a time as any.

So lets do this...
For those who may not have seen, here's the old Avatar thread!
Btw: no spoilers. Not even vague allusions. Don’t do “if you like X, just wait til Y” I know folks get excited, but we can talk about what’s here in THESE episodes / what it was like for you first watching! Don’t hint at the future.

I want to discover the show the same you did.
... I got goosebumps from the opening narration alone...

Welcome To Republic City: Hmmm. Best qualities? Amazing world building details and modernity! Really trying to establish how it's DIFFERENT from Avatar! But I'm a little worried about sloppy, rushed, haphazard character work- Still, I can see what the show can become...

I'm in.
A Leaf In The Wind: Loving a lot of the tangible, surface delights (my god, the grandkids) - but right now I'm getting a bit of the "lowered stakes" problem - where it's harder to care about smaller things - but that doesn't mean you CANT - you just gotta really make us care-
But I'm also worried because this is not one but TWO episodes in a row where the character's change is dramatically unmotivated! This NEVER happened on Avatar and I'm kinda worried?

I'm also realizing I may need to write my thoughts out in longer form...
Reminder: some of you literally cannot seem to talk about what happens in a show without talking about what happens later on it.

1. Learn how to not do that. 2. I'm blocking immediately.
The Revelation: Now that's more like it! Relationships and goals clicking, clear conflicts, and I care both about the smaller stakes AND the really pressing danger. Feels nice!

And I decided to do MINI-Recaps for those who want a bit more :) 
The Voice In The Night: first episode where we can fully track Korra's psychology from beat to beat and it's dramatizing the complications. I more or less like our big bad. Still some worries, and mostly still getting used to the pace of this show which feels so different!
Also I love Korra’s posture and the way they animate her physicality
The Spirit of Competition: I mostly like that they burned through a lot of the will they / won't they dynamics pretty quick to just get to the point but compared to Avatar, these character dynamics BURN FAST.

Like, the, stories are moving THE OC level fast... it feels odd.
Also I love how blatent they are with the eye coloring to gove the characters visual distinction!
And The Winner Is... : WOW. First great episode. Great consequences. Didn't realize how much I was itching for a straight epic fight, too. Lin + Korra worked like gang busters. Feels like everything is sort of crystalizing.

The Aftermath: Another rapid-paced, dynamic-shifting episode, but I do like really where it all ends and what's it's ultimately about.

Felt like time to dig deeper with Day 2 post on these last four episodes! Enjoy! And thank you endlessly for support <3 
It feels stupid writing about TV right now, but if you are looking for a rage break - here are thoughts on next 3 eps: When Extremes Meet, Out of the Past, and Turning The Tides - which just so summarize the whole range of how I feel about this show. 
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