I’m a little drunk but this is on my mind so fuck it. So coming out my to my parents as bisexual was horrendous, went worse than I could have ever imagined. And now I am going out with a man, a man who I see the rest of my life being with (1/-)
And I obviously still feel the same feelings towards women that I have since I was 14. But I never voice those feelings to my parents anymore, at the time I felt the need to fight against them and ‘prove’ I actually am bisexual because I was going out with a girl (2/-)
But now I’m with a man and I probably will never be with a woman again that doesn’t diminish my attraction to women. But I don’t fight my parents on it anymore as I am living the life that they initially envisioned for me, they’re happy, I’m happy all’s good? (3/-)
I just feel like I’m still hiding that side of me from them, let’s say we’re watching a film and there are both attractive men and women in that film, I only feel comfortable saying I find the men attractive. I can’t express my thoughts about the women. (4/-)
I’m by no means ashamed of being bisexual, actually I’m rather proud of it. I’m not really sure where im going with this thread (again I’m tipsy) I just don’t know if I should confront them about it and cause more heartache, or stick to what works already? (5/5)
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