I wonder if people who say/do goofy shit like this are organizing to work against big pharma in other ways? Or is being a jerk on twitter what the movement really needs these days?

hmmm https://twitter.com/SweetEggPerson/status/1265727494092664832
this is really a rhetorical question. but it just seems really really clear to me when folks come with the *critiques* without any clear sense of the people they're using as props in their shitty political circle jerks.
the fact is to disentangle big [insert exploitative industry] money from *anything* requires much more than being needlessly wack to people on twitter dot com. which by the way is also a site run by big... [mic cuts out]

i get the critiques of POETRY and any institution
but let's be clear on how fucking cherry picked and shitty those choices are. They shoveling shit on them behind a digital screen is by no means brave or necessary.
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