Everyone seems to be pushing back against the idea of a car-free French Quarter, and while I agree that there would be a lot of logistics to work out, it's saddening to see everyone latch onto the status quo (cars) over walkable, bikeable neighborhoods.
There are obviously a ton of accessibility issues to be considered, but as I said, there would be a lot of logistics to work out.
I think two key pillars that would have to be guaranteed to make this work - large, free public parking lots/garages on the outskirts of the quarter, and shuttle service within the quarter itself.
There would also have to be options for residents/businesses for deliveries, groceries, etc. Driveable hours.
Either way, saying that a car-free French Quarter wouldn't work is incredibly lazy on your part. Have some imagination, look for inventive solutions. Don't stick with Bad Times just because we're used to Bad Times.
This thread brought to you by Geoffrey, who likes walking everywhere and hates driving.
You can follow @GeoffreyIanWard.
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