why people say acab; a thread
after slavery was appealed there was a period in american history called the antebellum period where black people were trying to figure out life as free people. because of infantilization, black people were seen as childlike.
white people believed that they needed to punish and teach black people just like you do with a child. when slavery was abolished, so was that control factor. in order to bring back that control they established pig laws/black codes.
this caused the prison system to increase exponentially. this was the reconstruction era as well since the civil war had destroyed the south and the southern economy. a system got but in place called public/inmate leasing where a company would "lease" prisoners to do jobs.
these jobs were extremely dangerous and often times people were killed in these systems. this became a legal form of slavery. to this day there is a disproportionate amount of black people in jail due to these systems put in place and laws that target black people.
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