It is not safer to give infant formula milk to your baby if you have confirmed or suspected #COVID19


Transmission of active COVID-19 virus through breast milk and #breastfeeding has not been detected to date. There is no reason to avoid or stop breastfeeding.

Close contact and early, exclusive #breastfeeding helps a baby to thrive.
A woman with #COVID19 should be supported to:
🤱🏻 breastfeed safely
🤱🏼 hold her newborn skin-to-skin
🤱🏾 share a room with her baby 
Women with #COVID19 can breastfeed.
They should:
🤱🏼Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub frequently
🤱🏻Wear a medical mask during any contact with the baby
🤱🏾Sneeze or cough into a tissue
🤱Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces touched

Mothers with symptoms of #COVID19 are advised to wear a medical mask, but even if this is not possible, #breastfeeding should be continued.

Babies should be fed nothing but breast milk for their first 6 months, after which they should continue #breastfeeding and eating other nutritious and safe foods until 2 years of age or beyond.

Breast milk saves children’s lives as it provides antibodies that give babies a healthy boost and protects them against many childhood illnesses.



📷: @UNICEF/Holt
From the earliest moments of a child’s life, #breastfeeding can mean the difference between life and death.
Babies who are not breastfed are 14 times more likely to die than babies who are exclusively breastfed

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