A thread on using my voice as a cis white man and the audience I've built.

This account is called Shadows at the Door, and while I also have @Mark__Nixon__ over time I've ended up using this account more for my interactions and most of you know me as Mark anyway.
After a while I decided to use this account as professional only but found using two accounts in such a way confusing for everyone. So I started to try and drift toward keeping this account non political, it's a brand after all and I don't want to alienate fans, right?
So I would resist being aggressive on issues & use my personal account for those moments.

However I've decided to hell with that.

This is my most popular account, to use my personal and quiet account for issues around racism, sexism etc etc is to let myself off the hook.

I need to use my inherent privilege and apply it to the fight. As such, I have a responsibility to use all my resources (however small or big that may be).

And yes, calling out racism, sexism and such on this account may lose followers...

I can please all by being centralist & neutral, but at what cost?

Over the past two years I started to use my art to push my opinions. If it's good enough for likes of Rod Sterling, Jordan Peele, Joyce Carol Oates (to name but a few) then surely it is good enough for me.

This thread represents that promise, to apply my opinions via all my social media. I'd be interested to hear your opinions & experiences.

Fuck racism. Fuck sexism. Fuck homophobia. Fuck fat phobia. Fuck EVERYTHING bad*

*Please do not have sex with racists, sexists etc

You can follow @ShadowsatDoor.
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