The snip of video goin around about mentally unstable Amy Quackton, is very disturbing, but u should watch the whole video. I will post highlights. It’s not good! She says covid less serious than flu, she is not political (lol) and much more In sight into who she is 👇
Says Ohioans r at low risk. Her first people she worried about was
Travelers then college students. Hmmm. Old people low priority?
These videos should leave all of Ohioans pissed off that about 10 days after she did this interview she shut schools and business down for no legit reason and ignore the most vulnerable people.
One of the best ones, she’s not a political person lol. Says the Obama organizer and also shows how in love she is with dewine. Maybe daddy complex? And talks about how dewine is not about politics. Another lie, since his whole life has been about politics
Again, like the flu and most wil b fine, but every now and then the body will b overwhelmed with infection like the FLU
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