Look at the at this monstrosity @WDNR threw down on top of the best remnant white oak woodland/savanna in SE WI. ...took out 2 oaks and 4 more will soon die. Paved over forked aster...permitted that post hoc. #ArmyLakeBoatLaunch
And the new paved lane and parking lot are also throwing tons of runoff and sediment into the high quality tamarack swamp that also borders the lake. Shame. All that water goes straight into the wetland.
It’s also being trampled to death. Someone even took an ATV down this foot path. Of the 8 cars parked at the two lots up the hill, none had launched boats. People were using this as an off-leash dog park though. That box probably had 100 shooting stars under it.
Can you tell I don't work in the public sector anymore?
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