You know what, fuck it I can’t hold back anymore.
You. Oh you’re a fucking dick. You treated me like shit but wanted everyone to think that you treated me like gold.
Any time I told anyone how you treated me, you always acted like it never happened. “Oh I’m not single ship, I know how bad it hurts for that to happen” bullshit.
You wanted to be poly or open or whatever the fuck you wanted to call it but we all know there’s only one ship you actually gave a fuck about. Only one ship that you picked.
And that’s fucking fine but don’t call yourself anything but singleship if you’re gonna pick favorites. That’s not how it fucking works.
And frankly I don’t give a single fuck if you or him sees this tweet. It’s sad when YOUR ship treated me better than you ever did and I wasn’t even dating him.
You hardly ever gave me the time of fucking day and blamed it on the fact that I don’t do tl rp? You tried to force me into a situation I wasn’t comfortable with for what?
To make YOU more comfortable when you were lying to me? Do you know how many fucking nights I’d lay there wondering what the fuck I did to be in such a shitty situation with you?
What the fuck I did to make you hide me from everyone? Yeah I fucking said it, you hid me away while you’d flont all your other ships.
... this and ... that while I was fucking lucky to talk to you ONCE A FUCKING DAY
By the way. I know you pretended to be my other ship. I know that he was you too. I’m not fucking stupid, there’s no way you’d have almost the same @, talk the same and hardly ever type at the same time. Who the fuck do you think I am? A dumbass?
You don’t have the fucking right to tell me my feelings weren’t valid by the fucking way. NO FUCKING RIGHT. The world doesn’t revolve around your dumbass.
The night I found out seonghwa aka you deactivated I came to you because I had no where else to go and you treated me like shit. So you can go fuck yourself.
Yeah I said fuck you, you fucking child. You blocked me once for me saying fuck you, let’s see how long it takes for you to block me for this. But guess what, I don’t give a single fuck.
Grow the fuck up or get the fuck off twitter rp with your toxic ass. Fuck you mingi. FUCK. YOU.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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