1. Although it announces in-person and online courses in the fall, it does not actually promise much. Not a lot of details about the number of residential students or the share of online and in-person activities. Could include extensive remote activities.
2. While I accept and respect that this was a physician-lead process, it is still hard to accept political and economic forces were not in play: for example, enrollment, football, trustees, Mitch Daniels ...
3. Interesting text about statue authorization. MSU president observes that this decision has been made before stay at home orders are lifted, and is contingent upon the orders being lifted.
End. I want to flip Mitch Daniel's logic: It is not that higher education is too scared and incompetent to re-open. It is that higher education does not have the confidence, resources, or coordination to keep the campuses closed. Without state orders to close, campuses will open.
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