1/7 Amazing image beautifully capturing PT leaving Bowman's capsule. https://twitter.com/browndennis14/status/1264300261347979264
2/7 Who is Bowman? Bowman was a
3/7 Sir William Bowman was an English ophthalmologist at Royal Ophthalmic Hosital in London from 1846 to 1876. He described histology of eye in detail and discovered the anterior elastic lamina of the cornea (Bowman membrane)
4/7 He founded the Ophthalmological society of UK in 1880 and an eponymous lecture is presented every year. The lecturer receives the prestigious Bowman Medal.
5/7 He also described olfactory glands (Bowman's glands), which secretes mucin and possibly aquaporin 5. https://academic.oup.com/chemse/article/37/1/35/393549
6/7 Before his other work, he was focused on the kidney. He described the Bowman's capsule at age 25. He was the first to introduce the term "basement membrane". https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/096777200000800107
7/7 The kidney - eye connection has been well described in various conditions. https://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/14/2/516
How many of you knew Bowman's capsule had an eponymous connection to ophthalmology? #FOAMed #Nephpearls
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