My first reactions to the report on LTCHs by Brigadier-General CJJ Mialkowski:
As a physician, it would go against my professional ethics to work in a place that subjected residents or patients to conditions like the ones that were described.
On a personal level, my mother had Alzheimer’s dementia & spent the last 3 years of her life in a LTCH in north Toronto. Each family member knows the aching moment they say goodbye each visit. How haunting would it be to know that this abuse was taking place when we can't watch?
I could say that families with loved ones in LTC should complain to the director of clinical care or the MD who works there and ask for reassurance. I might say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. But I also know family members barred from LTCHs because they complained.
It's facile to expect every family to bring their loved one home. Before you do, make sure you're up to the task. I know many children who quit their jobs to care for a frail parent. It's not always the right or safe thing to do.
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