As a white person, I understand my privilege in saying this. It’s sickening to see white people in positions of authority senselessly murdering black people, and not being held accountable. Police brutality is the 6th most common cause of death for young black men in the US.
In the news we’ve seen groups of white people standing on the street with machine guns, aggresively protesting lockdown and the police just watch on. Yet a man who has commited no more than forgery is murdered.
As white people we benefit from this racist system that oppresses minority groups. We are so privileged - privileged enough that a white man has killed an innocent black man, knowing in his mind that the system will protect him from accountability.
Systematic racism prevails in the US (and in the UK as well) because we as white people have not done enough to challenge the racist structures that protect us and literally kill those who are not white. It is sickening, and we need to do more.
And I understand my privilege in just writing this - and I’m not writing this as a performative gesture for the likes/ shares, etc. We need to act. We need to monetarily assist groups such as Black Lives Matter. We need to do more than like and share.
Because we live in a world which protects us and literally kills others because of the colour of their skin. We do not deserve praise for sharing a video or donating or calling out racism. We are the ones responsible for this, and we need to do more.
As a white person who lives in the UK, I recognise how privileged I am. I don’t want to seem patronising or that this is simply performative. But if this can start a conversation, convince someone to donate or even just spread awareness, then it is a step.
Black people are dying because of the colour of their skin - we cannot sit back and continue to benefit from this inherently racist system. White people are taking the lives of innocent people day after day. White people need to take action.
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