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Whale sharks, basking sharks, and megamouth sharks are all filter feeders like whales
More people are killed per year by jellyfish than sharks
The bonnet head shark is the only known omnivorous shark
The massive decline of shark populations on the east coast of the United States is directly linked to a rise in the price of clam chowder
Sharks predate dinosaurs by 150 million years
Sharks have survived 4 mass extinction events
The Greenland shark is the longest living vertebrate, with some speculating they could live past 400 years
100 million sharks are killed each year due in large part to unethical fishing practices like longlining. Sharks kill about 6 people a year
Whale sharks are the largest shark species with some reaching over 30 feet in length and I cannot stress enough how much it is not great whites they aren’t even in the top 5
The smallest shark species is the dwarf lanternshark with a max length of approximately 8 inches
5 shark species make up the vast majority of attacks on humans
While great whites are known to attack humans, these attacks are mostly one-strike as they get disappointed that you are not a seal
To round out the set of shark attack facts, 3 shark species make up the vast majority of fatal shark attacks
Megamouth sharks, an extremely rare species, look weird because their mouths are at the front of their heads rather than the undersides
Basking sharks are the second largest shark species and as such sightings have often been hailed by headlines saying “REAL LIFE JAWS”. In reality they’re filter feeders and if you swam into its mouth it would just make both of you uncomfortable
Most primitive sharks had teeth that separated into trident-shaped needles as seen in this frilled shark

(The frilled shark is another shark with its mouth at the front of its head rather than the underside!)
Shark skin is made up of tiny teeth-like scales called dermal denticles
You’ve heard of narwhals, now get ready for the longnose sawshark. It has teeth on its elongated chainsaw of a snout
Sharks can often survive several weeks without eating
Bull sharks can swim in fresh water and have been known to battle crocodiles
Sharks are 100 million years older than trees
You age sharks much like you age trees- by counting the rings on their vertebrae
Female sharks are usually much bigger than males. This is true for most large oceanic fish
Basking sharks generally swim very slowly but can swim as fast or even faster than great whites- approximately 5 meters per second
Building on the last fact, basking sharks reach this speed when attempting to breach, a behavior seen in great whites attempting to catch prey. The reason basking sharks do it is unknown, as they are filter feeders. I like to think they’re just having a good time
The world’s fastest shark is the shortfin mako, with one report clocking one at 46 mph
Goblin sharks have pink skin
25% of shark species are categorized as endangered, threatened, or vulnerable
Sharks have extremely sensitive electroreceptors they use to sense electric fields from prey. They may also use this ability to navigate using the earth’s magnetic field
Though the stereotype of sharks being mindless predators persists, they are actually often quite social and intelligent
Sharks can reproduce asexually
Some sharks, when flipped upside-down, go into a trance-like state known as tonic immobility
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